Get Shine In my Church

If your church cares and believes they can make a difference in their community, but they don’t know how, you’re in the right place.



  1. Set up a meeting with our Program Director, to see if a school partnership is the right fit for your church.

  2. Agree to the Shine model. Your church will work under Shine’s agreement with APS and the partnership will have the support of APS Administration.

  3. Choose a Coordinator. This person, often a high-level volunteer, will be the point of contact for the school and will recruit and manage volunteers.

  4. Attend a Training Event. Your church leadership and the appointed Coordinator will attend a Shine training. This includes APS volunteer guidelines and procedures. You will also be given access to an online library of resources, coordinator and volunteer training materials.

  5. Meet with your Partnership School. After APS has connected a Partnership School and Shine has completed a Needs & Readiness Assessment, we’ll help you set up a meeting with the Coordinator and Administration to set initial goals. We recognize the importance of starting small and building on one project at a time.

  6. Receive Ongoing Support. At this point your partnership is up and running and you are working to meet goals in the school. We provide ongoing support through the Shine Partnership Network. Your Coordinator will be connected with other Coordinators from each church-school partnership in APS. Coordinators will also receive opportunities for training and coaching through Shine.


  • You’ll have a clear path to connect your congregation to serving opportunities.

  • Serving in the school often leads to relationships and opportunities in the greater community.

  • We provide ongoing training, collaboration, resources, and support to ensure your partnership lasts.

  • We provide the structure, safety and security that comes from working under a formal MOU with APS.

  • Shine is trusted by school staff and backed by administration, which leads to relational equity from the beginning.

  • You’ll have the ability to serve the school during school hours, interfacing with students, families, and teachers.


Helpful tips for starting a Shine Partnership:

Develop a Core Team
First things first. Decide who will lead this ministry. Your missions pastor, a new hire, or volunteer? Find people in your church who have a passion for education. Bring them into your initial planning.

The Shine Partnership Coordinator
Do you have a leader in your church that can commit to being the Shine Coordinator? Someone who is capable of humbly leading a team and forming genuine relationships with school staff? The Coordinator is expected to embody the vision of Shine, be present at the school, and form relationships with staff. He/She also recruits, trains, and manages volunteers, and receives ongoing training from Shine.

 Ready to take your first step?

If you are a school staff member with support from faculty, request a meeting today!